
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

day 499

downhill from here.

...'tis the season...

So, of course, Shebitch goes FURTHER mental, if in fact this is at all possible. I'd been doing a work adjustment to be home when Stoney comes home-he should have ONE stable person there after all. It has Its shit, again, everywhere. OK, don't get bent. It gives the deer in the headlights look, so instead I compliment It on some triviality It'd done. So far so good. House, FREEZING, It, rather than order oil, has the electric heater (ok to zap my electric bill, long as someone ELSE pays, it's ok). Still, I maintain cool. It leaves to go to work (perfume kiosk, real career move). Now, think. Mutha of the year leaves without ANYTHING for its offspring. Still, I say nothing.

It leaves, Stoney's napping, under blankets and sweaters-doing his best homeless guy impression. my heart breaks, I cave, take his dinner order, while reinforcing that the mutha he claims to love has-again-shirked any responsibility, thus first bank of dad to the rescue. Go to taco bell, bringing back crap AND rootbeer. Let that sink in, I'm doing take-out, holding a freezing beverage. THAT'S love. He enjoyed it, good for him.

10:40, It comes home, WAKES ME UP to rage "where's the heater???" It was where It'd left it, but moved aside to not be in the way. Again, let that sink in, It came home last night, carried on for a solid 30 minutes of screaming rage, AFTER having woken me up. Needless to say, when I got up this am @ 2:20am, I raised hell. Woke IT up and kept waking It up until I left. Woke It up, yet again, to indicate I'd let the dog THEY wanted out and let him back in. Woke It up again, to indicate I'd cleaned the yard of the dogshit from the animal THEY wanted. It tried responding, but I shut It down, "oh, YOU'RE sleeping and I'M disturbing YOU???" "Sucks for you doesn't it?" No mercy, this is war!!! Bitch woke me up, did ZERO @ the house, contributes NOTHING, THEN has the balls to wake me up??? Die.

Thank GOD for running. Really GREAT temps. 30 degs, with wind, 28, juuuuust right. Sucked if you were standing still, GREAT to work up a sweat.

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