
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, December 23, 2010

day 515


So far all's well, surprisingly so. Had the practices for the patients' party-where my REAL Christmas spirit comes from. THAT went well, better than usual. Tonight, the big party. Love it. For some reason, it's truly heartwarming.

Staff party @ 3, that one, not so much. Bunch of spoiled bastards-but some make it worth it. Enough that it DOES result in a good time, but the patients' party is where the fun happens.

Odd, bbm'd Pret yesterday, no response until I again bbm'd this am. Now, what ya gots ta remember, if I don't respond asap, "are you ok? Why didn't you answer...." yet, I get no answer until the next morning, following further prompting. Amazing.

This am felt really good. Approx 32 degs, soooo close to shorts, but, can't push. Better to sweat a little than get a cold.

Still, no tree. Sucks.

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