
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

day 494

could you BE anymore of a pain in the ass?????

REALLY havin' it out with God lately (when you can't accept responsibility for your own actions, blame God). Actually started yelling @ Him during this am's run (thankfully no one was around, would've been hauled away in a straightjacket). Why? Yesterday's rain n' winds resulted in lots of branches on The Line. Now, take a second. When I run, visibility is an issue, so pretty much every 30 yards was an obstacle. The good news was I got my run in, and had a couple of nice breaks. The bad news: trees, 2 of them, in addition to miscellaneous branches hither and yon. @ one point I felt like a hand was grabbing my ankle, friggin' branches were like antlers.

But, again, a nice morning to run!!!

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