
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, December 26, 2010

day 518


So, headed out extra early-for a Sunday, so as to not get snowed in. Got my run in, St.Francis + Kissena=10+. Nice. Felt good, finished by 8:15. Warming up in The parkhouse, hung with the NHP guyz, the judge was there-you could tell: his dog was outside whining for him. Great dog, nice guy.

Off to the Y for weights and sauna/shower. Felt really good.

Was s'posed to hook up with Pret yesterday, bailed to hang with peeps. Today, no text no bbm. Later for that. Can't wait for a no-show. ery telling. If I don't answer a bbm immediately the world stops turning, but God forbid you make plans. This is why I usually run alone. Less bullshit.

Come home, it enters shortly thereafter, starts. "Why are you here?" Really heartwarming Holiday talk ain't it? This from the bitch who gave everyone @ my brother's house Ipods, and gave her husband a dollar store tin of cookies. Again, see pic below.

Can't WAIT for this weekend to end. Feel really alone.

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