
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

day 514

Sucks, but...

3 days 'til Christmas, no heat, no tree. Ho.

Can't believe the bitch continues. And, best of all, is fixated on a box I keep in my place on the dining room table. Scroll down, kiddies, and see the mess that is the piles of Its crap littering the house (pix below), yet It is fixated on moving this one box. I won't even bring up the basement: you can"t take a step, opened boxes and packaging everywhere. Truth? The box is EMPTY, weighted, but EMPTY. Knowing It would freak. I come home yesterday, the box is thrown on a pile in the den. Remember, if I touch ANYTHING, I get the same response as though I'd raped a fetus. Yet, It can fuck with whatever It chooses. No. I played Its game, woke It up, and screamed @ It. Enough. The sink is FULL of Its used dishes, we have neither heat nor a Christmas tree. Yet, this goddamned box is so friggin' important????? Ho ho ho.

Again, what you've got to remember is: when It came outta the hospital this time last year, the house was PERFECT. Now, again, under Its watch, EVERYTHING has fallen to shit. ho ho.

This am? Still enjoying the ride. We've had an amazing week-temps were 25-30ish, perfect for running. Hands cold @ the start, get warmed up and no problem! Really nice.

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