
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

used to do a little 'til a little wouldn't do it

so a little got more n' more (Mr.Brownstone)

No, can't help myself. Got my St.Francis on AGAIN. REALLY workin' that groove eh kiddies?

Best news: George called yet again, did yet another mile on Levittown Parkway (hence the song). He's so cute, wears his emotions on his sleeve-he's a corrections officer, you'd think with such a job he'd be hardcore. We compared notes and came to the same conclusion, a gimme for runners: the hardest part IS getting out the door. Ain't it the truth.

Gotta log those miles this week, bullshit runs this weekend, Sat the 5k, Sunday the Continental Airlines Fifth Ave. Forecast calls for good weather-wow, we're owed it after the last few weekends.

.....just can't seem to get it any better, just a little better than before.....we've been dancin' with.........

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