
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's a wrap!

Did the Fifth Avenue Mile, ANOTHER year, MORE fun! Still can't get over the fun of running down a closed down main NYC street. This shit never gets old. (of course, double the winner's time n' that was me, but hey, I broke 8).

Before the run, ran into the CP peeps, they were volunteering. Now, what made this notable, these were the Canadian peeps. They DO travel in packs (eh?). Fun to see 'em again after the fact. This was the first time with my arm in a sling. Of course, took it off for the run, but must've answered the question a thousand times today "what happened???" What made this one tough was the pain in the arm. Never really hurt this much before. Doing the marathon didn't hurt as much.

Tom, this guy IS unbelieveable, did the run after working all night. AND, he wants to break 6 minutes next year. Wow. If I eat all my veggies.....

So good to reconnect with the usual suspects from the NYRR side. Despite myself, there are several acquaintances. All with something wonderful to share. AND, when push comes to shove, they motivate me. Bless them.

Every time I go to one of these things, I think of the "gotta be in it to win it" line. For so long I was on the sidelines, because I put myself there. Missed soooooo much. Would've been just as easy to to The Line-prob could'a used the miles, but no. Here was where I was meant to be. Life IS good.

.....there are places I remember.....some have gone and some remain...all these places had their moments.......

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