
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, September 12, 2008

bring it!!!!!!

Got my St.Francis on, in the groove this week. Tomorrow's an off day-go, get the numbers, maybe spin.

Terrific morning, another of the "barely sweat" mornings, it was so crisp. Another welcome respite from the humidididity. Thanks G.

Then...later this afternoon, BOOM! Rain! Perfect timing. Got a full week's St.Francis in, logged 'em, now, chill.

Caught the latest Coen Bros. Flick, amazing. They've got the knack. What I find frightening is we see things much the same.


1)Spike's computer: STILL @ Circuit City. I'm sure Shebitch expects me to intervene. Nope.

2)Shebitch back to teaching Religion: apparently they don't do background checks.

3)Checking Spike's homework every night. No easy task. He's entered the terrible teens, and to do this with no support is tough, much less with subversion: as Shebitch leaves the house for yet another night out, It tells Keith It doesn't care when his homework gets done. Nice.

4)Boss: wife is out of commission, leg in cast, he's going on and on about the stress of single parenting. Suffice to say I told him "welcome to my world, at least yours contributes financially. Mine undermines me, drags my name through the mud, turned my family against me, and in no way shape or form contributes." He smiled sheepishly. Yes, I DO deserve a trophy. (of course he said the inevitable, that which only guys say because apparently only we get it "cheaper to keep her."

.....so we run...

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