
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, September 19, 2008

grab an atheist

proof that G exists: NO CAST!!!!!

Went to Ortho Doc, turns out he's a runner!!! YES! He does one race a year, the Lloyd Harbor 5k. Of course I told him I went to school in that hood and did that run...compared notes...bottom line-the fracture isn't worse, back to 4 more weeks of p/t. THIS I can deal with. Was fully prepped to dodge branches and tree roots manana with a cast on my arm. YES!!! Thank you G!

Of course to every yin there's a yang. This terrific news offset yesterday: came home, Shebitch relates the phone call It got from keith's school-turns out he missed 2 h/wassignments. OK, not major, but...Worse, he was given the chance to make it up and obviously didn't. So of course this becomes my problem. No computer last night, he went nuts. Tough shit. I explained to him that I'd love to be like his Mother and do nothing, but I cannot. He understood, was pissed as hell, but understood. Though it's too late for the assignments to be credited (he got 2 zeroes), I told him when he comes home he'll do them anyway and submit them to the teacher as a show of good faith.

Quick, grab that atheist, Spike forgot his homework, I went ballistic. He felt bad, you could see it, but I couldn't let it go-hadda be strong. So...what did he do??? Jumped on his bike n' went to get it. Kudos boy!!!

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