
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

back to the grind

figured I should take a day off after the 4 days of nuttin' but runnin', but alas, not to be.

Did 86th, glad I did. Nice easy run to jump back into the fray, without wussing out n' resting.

Work actually DIDN'T suck. Amazed. Now, if I was the type to write a million seller based on common sense, I'd do just that. But I'm not, so I didn't. Point being: one monkey don't stop no show/interchangeable parts. The job site got along quite well without me, thank you very much-as well it should. Props to the worker bees.

While there, caught up on e mail, TONS. But the diamond in the shit: Quebec info. Amazing, I'm NOT the only one who felt what they felt. "This was one of the best vacations I'd ever had," was the buzz. The peeps really made it worthwhile. I thank them and their warmth/humor. We each riffed on each other to make it a collective blast. My only regret (you KNEW this was coming), I wish ALL my peeps had been there. Gots'ta take joy where you can, and we had an abundance.

STILL can't believe all the races and all the fun. What a fookin' summer!!!

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