
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, September 15, 2008

No, you can't write stuff this good

Imagine, you live with someone with entirely too much free time on their hands-"free" defined as: don't cook, don't clean, don't parent. You walk into the place you sleep, and things are arbitrarily moved-i.e. a print of a painting from the renaissance (given to you by your mother no less) is moved to the den-amongst running gear-because a flea market yielded crap for the shithole/livingroom. No, you can't write stuff this good. Surreal.

Got my St.Francis on, good thing. Should'a taken the day off-day after a half-but it WAS in fact merely a half, not a full. REALLY humid this am, but a terrific excuse to take it slooooow.

STILL riffin' offa seein' all the greenies. What a true gathering. With Striders running and volunteering, College Pointers supporting the run, Hellgaters here and there, and the spectators-it weas really what running was all about.

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