
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Did it!!!

REALLY didn't wanna, but.....

Hadda do St.Francis. The brain said "go ahead, take another day off," but no. Only 4+weeks until The Big One, can't wuss out now.

...and of course, T calls, asked if I'd paid for The Bus yet. Reminded him I called to make reservations for us, but had yet to send the $$$. He was headed that way so he'd shell out, I'll repay thurs. Nice. God gives you what you need.

Haven't decided on the blue line run yet. Really on the fence. It kind'a sucks (not a straight run, stop for traffic.........), but for newbies it's a howl. See how I feel that day, if nothing else is on the calendar/if the club peeps...... Then again, GLIRC has it's 6 hour, 60th birthday run @ Sunken Meadow that day as well. Decisions, decisions.....

Why? (re: G giving you what ya' need) Friday we had an eating disorder patient, did my thing, patient stayed. Come Sunday, patient boogied. Shit happens. Felt bad though. Actually felt I'd made a difference. Such is the nature of the addicted beast.

Thurs we have our bored meeting, then membership meeting. Helen's gonna do the presentation on Quebec. STILL riffin' on that. Why:

1)How refreshing to NOT have to tolerate anyone shit, or anyone themselves for that matter. For the entire trip, everyone was cool. And according to MY cool-meter, that's a bar raised very high.

2)How refreshing to deal with people who wanted NOTHING from me. Everyone brought something to the table. All day I get shit dumped into my lap to handle, come home: ditto. THIS trip was killer.

3)NO ill will of ANY kind. THAT'S a fuckin' miracle. Take a crowd of peeps from disparate backgrounds, Lord knows we gots our issues, yet all was well. Wow.

life is good.

...still...upset the bulimic boogied. Just don't tell anyone I had a feeling. Street cred in the crapper.

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