
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

good show!!!!!

had a strong showing @ the run this am, 8 of us green wearers-nine if you count Dave but the NYRR insist on placing him with the bluepeoplewhoshouldcallaspadeaspadeandjoinaREALclub. HE ran VERY well, the rest of us, well, read on.

Met Tom @ 5:30 @ The Parkhouse. So far so good. Got to the run, parked about a mile away, no sweat-ate up the pre race time.

Shot the shit with Curtis, the College Point peeps, etc...before the run-asked the cp peeps if this was where the ferries left-Quebec memories eh? Bumped into Elik in the corral-surprised he was in the same as me. Something wrong there. Bumped into Debbie-she was a marshall @ the corrals. So nice to have such a local race populated by peeps. Wonderful!!!

Before we knew it, we were off n' running. What I forgot was that the course changed, no more 2 loops-thank G, but the down side: stupid humidididity (87%). Good news that: built in excuse for a shit time. AND, best of all, I actually wasn't last amongst the wearers of the green. We ALL placed under 2:10. VERY impressive. But Dave took the cake: 1:25. Wow, AND he went to do 7 more miles after. A man after my own distance heart!!! If only I could keep up-not even in my dreams. Bumped into Len on the way back to Tom's veeeeehicle, he has the same prob as I-NO sense of direction after a race-he was doubling back. Love that guy, he belongs with us, then again, everyone does.

What a motherfucking HUMID run! Again, 87 % humidididity. EVERYONE said it was the toughest of the series-between the hills, n' the (did I mention?) humidididity. No small wonder, yet, perfect training on The Line. After, hoooked up with our peeps, we all compared notes. Even later still, Tom dropped me off @ The Parkhouse to get my veeeeeehicle. There I bumped into Murph & Mrs. Murph, turns out, with a 7 am start, the run ended coincidentally with the Club Peeps finishing their run. Murph asked if it was still that bitch of a hill @ mile 1, I told him the course changed, but to make it tougher.

***REALLY cool seeing the wearers of the green volunteering-made for a real "at home" feeling @ the run. The Queens clubs did a terrific job. I was left, again, with regret that I moved out of the borough, but hadda do it. (REALLY wish I'd stayed).

Quite an achievement. The Club represented proudly!!!

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