
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

day 975


back on track!!!!!

Clear, cool this am, long sleeves/gloves/shorts. BUT, point is: got out there! Knees still achin' but 2 consecutive days-no friggin' way.

Of course, now the world is indeed a better place. Amazing what good a run can do. Yesterday, oy. Did the lawn-not too bad for the first cut, but, Stoney a bump on the log. Literally a friggin' couch potato. It? Useless. Told you, took him to Ihop Sunday, what did he have to eat yesterday? Leftover pancakes-2 days old. Great parenting. Wonder what Its friends would say if they knew THAT? (oops, forgot, that'd be my fault too).

Got my miles, life is good.

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