
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, March 2, 2012

day 950

yep, been a looong time (4 years!!!).

So, last night, Toxichouse lived up to its name. Why? Remember the clogged toilet? That morphed into clogged bathtub (this is what happens when you care more for your "friends" than your home). So, the bathtub wasn't draining...for 2 days. When I saw Shebitch mopping, I asked if the toilet overflowed? It responded "no, just cleaning." Right. Turns out the bathtub wasn't draining FOR TWO FUCKING DAYS. Thank God I have the gym.

So, last night, of course as I was sleeping (10:30) Stoney and Shebitch are screaming @ each other. He, appropriately, responding "fuck you" when It tried blaming him! THEN, blaming him for doing nothing around Toxichouse. Faithful readers will recall It takes NO responsibility for ANYTHING. Amazing. KNEW It'd attempt to shirk responsibility for this as well (the driveway asphalt that's pitched TOWARD the house rather than away? While It was sitting there, while the guys did the job, sunning Itself????? The carpet that buckled one week after installation, while It was there to monitor installation????? It's answer to that: cheap carpet. Right. CANNOT do a goddamned thing.).

Why didn't I do anything? I'm Satan remember? I have o.c.d. remember? Fuck 'em. (AND, in my mind I remember when I DID intercede a year ago when the toilet clogged. Am I the ONLY motherfucker who remembers $49.99 24 hours unclogger guy? Remember when he came? On the bill, for problem, he wrote "tampon city." Stoney don't use 'em. I don't. Hulk don't. Guess who?

So, this am, pleasantly surprised. After last night's rain, was ready for either a day off or a gym day. But no!!! Yay!!!!!!! Got my miles! Did well.

This served my psyche well as manana is a 4m run, Sunday a 5k. So, needed the miles.

Again, life is good.

...got a shower I can borrow?

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