
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, March 11, 2012

day 958

and now, for something NOT completely different.....

So, Shebitch rages that (gasp!!) I cooked something that was in the fridge. I wake up, It went shopping! So, what the FUCK was the fuss about????? Pure unadulterated bitch (feel free to substitute the C word).

So, to escape, called my peep I'd known for almost 30 years. We went to see the Eddie Murphy movie. Sucked, but who cares, the company was great!

This am, 10k in Eisenwhower.

...what the Bitch (or Stoney) don't get is: I hang @ Toxichouse for a reason. Don't HAVE to, but CHOOSE to. There are other places I COULD be, but a male presence must be there. Shebitch ALWAYS hangs with friends rather than fam. I won't play that way. Why be a parent if that's your game???

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