
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, March 9, 2012

day 956


Guess who's car is-again-dead. Right. And I'm THRILLED.

Was ready to give Stoney a lift to school, minutes later, still in the driveway. Good. Fuck her.

Now, why the glee @ another's misfortune? I've been trying to suck it up and be cool toward the bitch, but it's-repeatedly-failed.

I.E. last night: It HAS to make it a point to shut the window in the bedroom It hasn't slept in in years, after making a point to intrude-thus disturbing my sleep. It makes a point to do this periodically.

This am, I'm attempting to make conversation, in view of It's current misfortune, and the response "oh, now you wanna talk after..." Fuck It. Let It rot in Its misery.

This am, got my miles, did ok. Felt really good. Almost short sleeves, but not quite there.

(even offered to give Stoney a lift to school, he declined. I'm the bad guy, remember).

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