
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, March 18, 2012

day 965


Did the Nyc half, I THOUGHT alone, but once you make peeps, you never alone. Elik Facebooked me predawn-my kinda guy, and brotherfromanothermother called as I was heading to the corrals. Lovely. Really felt embraced.

Unfortunately, my performance sucked, but I had no real motivation other than to enjoy it. 7+ miles in CP, ouch. BUT, the rest more than made up for it. The downside-CP wears your ass out, so you have little left for the easy/flat west side highway. Alas, glad I did it. AND, my NYRR peeps recognized me, as did Randy. STILL miss Pret and the crew, but now really realize, anyone who gives you that "forever" crap is really full of it-you're really just a flavor of the month. Still, glad I did it.

The after part sucked BIG TIME. You're fenced in for another mile-exactly like The Big One. HORRIBLE!!!!! THEN, you're forced to head to South Street Seaport. FUCK.

***Interesting side note: in the last mile, they had spotters to pull bandits off. When they saw I had no bib, they asked, pulled me over, I showed them the D tag and told them to call and verify. They let me go. When will they get their shit together????

*******And funnier STILL: we're @ Pedrito's family dinner yesterday, Sybil prattles on about how it had a yen for Calzone late Friday night. Now, again, give that a moment. No $ to give Stoney for lunch, but for itself and it's selfish craving??? Amazing. A total cunt.

***********Icing on the cake: now that the weather's even NICER (thank you global warming, mildest winter EVER), the Bitch is prattling on about sitting in the back sunning, after discussing having repeated procedures to have melanomas removed from It's forehead. Smart.

STILL, a very productive week. Between being told my name had been submitted for the brass ring, and the Nyc Half, a very good week. Next week, the 13.1 in Flushing Meadows. Looking forward to it (though, like this one, you gotta go all the way into fucking Manhattan to get your number (???!!!!!), BUT, they DO have day of race.

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