
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

day 954

more gooder

COLD this am, actually contemplated taking a day off...but....

Initially, was 27 degs. Normally, this wouldn't be so bad. BUT, with this amazing winter, it felt colder. Thankfully, no winds. Got TOO used to running in shorts, in winter.

So, laced 'em up, got my butt out there. Glad I did. After a few mins, felt ok.

Yesterday pm, dropped by Pedrito's. Went well. As long as HIS wife shuts up, meaning doesn't offer her almighty opinion when not requested, the visit goes well. He was napping on the couch...mid-afternoon. I'll NEVER be able to be that placid.

Summer will be here before we know it. How can I tell? Ordered Nick Lowe tix (yay!!!) AND Cheap Trick tix, on the same day. The Cheap Trick thing is actually following a Mets game. So, in my mind, I paid $100 for Cheap Trick tix. Seriously contemplating showing up for the game 'round the 7th inning. Who needs to sit there for 5 hours????? Alas, anything for Cheap Trick. Remember LAST year's concert?

life is good.

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