
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, March 4, 2012

day 952

yin yang

Yin: had alotta fun @ the race, and got some good miles in. Nothing to write home about (better than last week, but, Prospect Park vs. Long Island...no wonder last week sucked). Was interesting; ran off and on-you can guess when the "on" was.

Yang: Toxichouse. of course came "home" and the tub was AGAIN clogged, Shebitch-naturally-on a tear. Had violated every remaining boundary by AGAIN going through all my shit, lovely. THEN, adding insult to injury, starts raging. Got back in the veeeeeeehicle, trotted off to the gym, showed, hooked up with Richie (funny God, again you take care of me), then back to angry twat.

If it wasn't for meeting Anita there @ 6am, and knowing she's asleep now, would'a called her, told her to meet me @ Alley Pond, and stayed A the Flushing Y.

Don Cornelius, dead. Davy Jones, dead. Angry twat, lives. Wrong, just wrong.

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