
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

day 967

smart, but doesn't make it any easier

REALLY hadda take a day off today. No run, no ellip. REALLY hadda recover.

The 1/2, though my time suuuuuuuuucked really beat me up. Why? Dunno. Aging? Diet? Rest? Head space? Bottom line: running yesterday am might've been a mistake. Really had dead legs.

PLUS, got my validation yesterday, which was upheld this am. The waste of life social worker in the previous note, and this am, I have a staff relate how a former staffperson is a carpetbagging scumbag. I pegged 'em both.

Again, doing the right thing isn't always painless, but gotta do it. Not entirely unlike taking today off. Tough to force yourself to NOT run.

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