
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

wouldn't it be nice?

to enter your home, after a day's work, and just ONCE be asked "how was your day?"

to bathe in a comfortable, clean bathroom?

to have your labors appreciated by those with whom you share a roof?

to greet your spouse when she enters the home, rather than dread what mental acting out will inevitably be forthcoming?

to open the fridge and actually see food?

to NOT have your spouse hide (yes, hide) coffee and bananas because-gasp-they might be consumed?

to look at the walls of your home and NOT see them dotted with numerous nails from numerous haphazard hangings?

to once, just ONCE have someone besides yourself pick up shit from an animal you never wanted?

sucks...really sucks.

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