
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

day 602

well, I'm alive.

Didn't particularly wanna be today. If it weren't for Stan, bless his dysfunctional heart, I would'nt have surfaced at all.

Shebitch in rare form last night. I had the nerve to use toilet paper, THAT sent it into a blind rage, again, my laptop hurled to the ground. At that point, I went ballistic as well. Enough of this shit. The kicker? It says "not one person I know wants you alive." Nice. Really nice. Wonder where the Catholic church teaches that in religious education?

Needless to say, not getting into the nyc half, THAT in addition to last night's affirmation, really put me into a tailspin. BUT, told Stan I'd be @ AP for the refreshment run to give him $$$ for the gym membership. if it wasn't for that, I'd have jumped in front of a train.

King's Park AND seeing the peeps made me come outta my funk. Was really dangerous there for a period.

Oh, don't for a SECOND think I rolled over. Oh no, woke the Cunt up when I got up this am, screamed @ It, giving It a taste of Its own medicine. Icinjg on the cake, It, again, tore off my marathon memento from the fridge. No problem, I'm doing the same to Its treasured possessions. Fuck this, it's on!

I come back to Toxichouse this pm, the bathtub is clogged as well as the sink. It's really on a roll with home destruction. Doesn't do a fucking thing re: homemaking.

Thank GOD for running. Got my miles in, saw the peeps, brought me back to life. Briefly saw Pret, waited 45 for Pret to finish the run, by that time I assumed the run took longer than expected-how long AM I supposed to wait? After 45 mins, went to the Y.

Manana? Rain. Good. Let the outside match the inside.

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