
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, March 31, 2011


re: the news my elementary school is closing:

peeps are posting on Facebook that it's the beginning of the end.....decline of Catholic religion.....

dunno 'bout that. Seem to be getting along quite well without it. Religion itself seems more like a paper tiger. True, it gave us a sense of community and family, but why should we look to externals for that?

Again, how many Christian Brothers from that era are STILL Christian Brothers? Few, VERY few. Most boogied on their vows.

What I DO resent is that few, if any, face reality. It's NOT cost effective. Not at all. My mom broke her balls to send us, and @ THAT time it was $250 a year. NOW it's $5,000. I don't think so.

I see how Keith is developing, and, frankly, find his current school system superior.

Are so many really afraid to accept evolution?

After Sybil left the hospital and portrayed me as Satan, after I lost all our shared friends, after NOT getting Father of the Year-rather-being the object of scorn and abuse, THAT made me grow up in a hurry.

Part of my past being forever shuttered does affect me, but I accept it for what it is.

We grow, we move on. Pages get turned.

day 613

the glass is half full

Was mentally prepped to gym it this am. Rain/snow/slush had been predicted from last night into manana. Woke up, nothing. Dry streets. OK, left Toxichouse, headed to the job, spritzing. Radio said light showers. OK. STILL was ready for the gym, but...BUT...thought "if it's spritzing now, it'll be snowing tonight, run today." Glad I did.

My peep who's @ the stage I was at when I started was out there, walking/running. Spoke with him both coming and going. Then, on my way back, Lenny was heading out. REALLY glad I got my St.Francis on. Saw the peeps I needed to, without knowing my need to be on home turf. Funny how you make connections.

Worse comes to worse, I can now take tomorrow off with the 1/2 saturday and 10k sunday. We'll see. Rest is good, sanity gooder.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

day 612


Had a helluva day yesterday, after a helluva weekend. Then, brotherfromanothermother called yesterday evening. That's it, I'm now whole. Haven't spoken with him in the longest, ever since he got married his attention's been devoted to his home-as well it should be. Def a bromance. Missed him, he missed me.

St.Francis this am, crisp, NOT cold but cool, sweatshirt/gloves + shorts. Felt good.

Unstable weather/inclement conditions from here on in. Hit n' miss re: planning to run. Might squeak in another run manana am, but we'll see.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

this just in

(quite the newsworthy day)

as if another healthy day weren't enough.

as if another sober day wasn't enough.

as if another day of keeping my mind level while dealing with Shebitch wasn't enough.

as if maintaining sanity while dealing with a (male) teenager wasn't enough.

found out my elementary school is closing. Wow.

This am, I'd gone to pay for a ticket for entry to a reunion/fundraiser. Get to the school, speak with the secy there (she'd been a year ahead of me), she gives me the news.

Don't quite know how to take it.

It's a catholic school. It's time really has come and gone. The adjoining parish-where I was a teacher for years, closed, with the people there not putting up a fight.

I'm not really convinced of its necessity.

Do I send Keith to private school?

Nearly all of the Christian Brothers who'd taken a vow, are now lay people.

I really think it's inevitable.

Declining enrollment + declining revenue = closure.

What affects me, as it does all people-they just haven't nailed the root cause yet-is that it's really a sign of solitude. Yet another part of your past is gone. No matter your age, as long as you can hold onto pieces of your youth, you're still there. Without those pieces, you're REALLY an adult. Kind'a hurts, but doesn't affect today's reality.

@ 51 years of age I actually-almost-feel grown up.

day 611

sometimes....SOMEtimes you just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other. Eventually, SOMETHING (good or not) will occur.

When Steve told me "the hardest part's getting outta the house," he didn't account for WANTING to get the fuck outta Toxichouse, but I understood his point. This am was just such an example. After elliping yesterday, lacin' 'em up was a challenge (fighting off the inevitable-a cold). Staying in bed was TOO appealing (Shebitch was behaving-it's tax season and guess who pays for whom???). Yet, got up, before the alarm, laced 'em up, and out I went. REALLY glad I did.

St.Francis felt GOOD! Right ankle hurts, knees STILL achin' from the weekend, but had no prob doing the miles. YAY!!! Doing the 5m sat and 9.3 sunday paid off, even though I needed 4 walk breaks sunday (the result of racing the day before, AND apparently, going out too fast-though I'm SURE not having eaten anything didn't help). STILL did well time wise, and this am, reaped the benefits.

THEN, opened the mail...and...a check!!! The bad news: made out to both Shebitch and I. So, off I went to cash it. God was on my side. Technically they needed 2 signatures to cash it, but I had no prob. YAY! Free money!!! THEN, opened more mail, a package. Contained within: A MEDAL!!! I actually placed first in my age group in the Cupid's Race I did in February. There I was, doing a Valentine's race, feeling bad @ my relationship status, and I fucking won. AND they mailed my medal. NICE!!!!

God truly IS good. Sometimes, putting one foot in front of the other pays off.

Monday, March 28, 2011

day 610

good to be mortal!

HADDA take a rest day (from running, did the ellip instead). My back was KILLING me from the weekend. Normal peeps don't do back to back Central Park runs, but "normal" was never an adj used in my vicinity.

REALLY happy with the weekend results, but more so when considering there was alot of walking around BEFORE yesterday's 15k, so, for me it ended up being more like a 13.1. Also, think about it, a 15k in Central park DOES equal a half elsewhere. Good preparation for next week's 13.1. Also, checked this year vs. last year's time: this year 2 seconds faster, pace per mile: identical. Nice.

And...got my yearly pic of the big asshole! (see below)

The only prob, you should SEEN what came outta me today. Couple of powergels=pooped a meatloaf. Wow. A 2 flusher! Yep, I'm proud!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

day 609

:) !!!

WHAT a weekend!

Last week, did King's Park 15k, THIS weekend a 5m as a warm up to the NEXT day's 15k. YESSS!!! (Next week we pump it up with the 13.1).

@ yesterday's 5m, did very well, net time was 8:50, gross 9:10. For CP, very good, especially in light of not killing myself. (was also nice to see Mr.G).

Today, a 15k to rival King's Park. Came in 3 seconds per mile slower-BUT that included four 30 second walk breaks. Could'a come in @ the SAME time, a sub 90 minutes. I'm very pleased. If I'd rested properly and not taken walk breaks, could'a smoked the 15k. ALSO, today's 15k was @ 11:15am, WTF??? WAY too fucking late, but they hadda. There was another event in CP.

Went in with Anita, we hung, she did the 4m. Then waited for me to do my race. Was nice to not be alone.

Peeps is good.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

day 608

I was thiiiiiiis close!

Did the NYPD vs. FDNY 5m in CP this am. if I hadn't been taking it easy (NOT running all out, with a 65 second break to piss in a bathroom-fatal error) I could'a broken 9:00. DAMN! My net time was 44:48, gross: 45:52. SHIT! BUT, I know I could've. THAT'S all that matters.

Back to Toxichouse, Stoney's just awakening @ 12:30. Amazing. It seems the thrill of the gym has worn off as well. He went all of twice this week.

Cold this am, but once you got moving, you wondered why you hadn't worn shorts.

Friday, March 25, 2011

day 607


Didn't really plan on going out today, SHOULD really be a rest day, but...BUT...did the ellip yesterday so I felt I owed myself a run to make things right. Glad I did. Cleared my thinking, improved my mood, all the good stuff. AND, overcame myself. Normally, @ these temps, I'd have frozen my hands. THAT was with wind. Today, still. YESSS!!! Sweats and gloves-no hat, felt great!

Back to the job, checking e mail, NEIL is coming!!! Yay!!! Even better: it's on a Sunday night. God IS good.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

day 606

Plan B

WANTED to go for a run this am, but was not to be. Snow, heavy flakes-the kind that soak your running shoe. Would'a been nice to run with the falling flakes-not so nice to freeze my feet off.

So, to the gym. Nice workout, elliped.

Toxichouse? LOVELY evening last night, me n' Stoney. He actually hung with me (watched Operation Repo, great show).

Looking forward to the weekend. Basically in Manhattan both Saturday AND Sunday.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

day 605


Had my mind ready to gym it this am, rain/snow mix had been predicted.

Woke up, abused the internet, still nothing. Checked the forecast, said precip starting @ 4. Almost to the MINUTE, it started. No sooner had I left 7-11 than it started. DAYUM. Almost got my heart readjusted-looked forward to a run, but no...at least not YET.

Got to the job, light snow. YES!!! What HAD started as rain changed. That's IT, lace 'em up!!!

Was WONDERFUL! What beauty. Falling snow, only me running, though 3 usual suspects WERE on the line-2 walking couples and a guy out with his dog, and oh yes, ONE other runner. What a great am!

Shebitch, finally unclogged the bathtub. Not too bad, 3 days no bathing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

wouldn't it be nice?

to enter your home, after a day's work, and just ONCE be asked "how was your day?"

to bathe in a comfortable, clean bathroom?

to have your labors appreciated by those with whom you share a roof?

to greet your spouse when she enters the home, rather than dread what mental acting out will inevitably be forthcoming?

to open the fridge and actually see food?

to NOT have your spouse hide (yes, hide) coffee and bananas because-gasp-they might be consumed?

to look at the walls of your home and NOT see them dotted with numerous nails from numerous haphazard hangings?

to once, just ONCE have someone besides yourself pick up shit from an animal you never wanted?

sucks...really sucks.

day 604

got tub???

OK, Sybil destroys my walls by putting nails in everywhere to put up crap (and I MEAN crap) It finds @ flea markets (the place really DOES look like a mental patient decorated), causes the toilet to overflow constantly, destroys the washing machine because It can't figure out how t0 balance a load (and gets pissed when you tell It the need to do so), blows circuits so I always have to reset my clock, steals my credit card to pay for utilities, now.....the tub is stopped up. Thought I was making this shit up? Best of all, Stoney goes to the gym, does he have a place to bathe? Truly useless bitch. Thank GOD I have the gym.

St.Francis this am, last for at least a day. Manana am, SNOW predicted!!! SHIT. Again, thank GOD for the gym.

...so...what IS it like to end your work day and not think of what disaster awaits you @ the casa? Must be nice.

Monday, March 21, 2011

day 603

nice surprise!

Didn't think I'd be able to get out this am, was planning to hit the gym. Rain had been predicted from midnight Sunday through Monday. BUT, sometimes......SOMEtimes you get a break. Yay!!! Left Toxichouse, hit 7-11, dry. Radio said showers starting @ dawn. Hmmmm.....

To hell with it, let's try. Glad I did. Got my St.Francis, in, now, the world IS a great place.

...but don't think for a SECOND that bitch is off the hook.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

day 602

well, I'm alive.

Didn't particularly wanna be today. If it weren't for Stan, bless his dysfunctional heart, I would'nt have surfaced at all.

Shebitch in rare form last night. I had the nerve to use toilet paper, THAT sent it into a blind rage, again, my laptop hurled to the ground. At that point, I went ballistic as well. Enough of this shit. The kicker? It says "not one person I know wants you alive." Nice. Really nice. Wonder where the Catholic church teaches that in religious education?

Needless to say, not getting into the nyc half, THAT in addition to last night's affirmation, really put me into a tailspin. BUT, told Stan I'd be @ AP for the refreshment run to give him $$$ for the gym membership. if it wasn't for that, I'd have jumped in front of a train.

King's Park AND seeing the peeps made me come outta my funk. Was really dangerous there for a period.

Oh, don't for a SECOND think I rolled over. Oh no, woke the Cunt up when I got up this am, screamed @ It, giving It a taste of Its own medicine. Icinjg on the cake, It, again, tore off my marathon memento from the fridge. No problem, I'm doing the same to Its treasured possessions. Fuck this, it's on!

I come back to Toxichouse this pm, the bathtub is clogged as well as the sink. It's really on a roll with home destruction. Doesn't do a fucking thing re: homemaking.

Thank GOD for running. Got my miles in, saw the peeps, brought me back to life. Briefly saw Pret, waited 45 for Pret to finish the run, by that time I assumed the run took longer than expected-how long AM I supposed to wait? After 45 mins, went to the Y.

Manana? Rain. Good. Let the outside match the inside.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

day 601


King's park. First time in a while. I'd written off as "been there, done that/who needs the pain?," but since I didn't get into the NYC Half, needed the challenge. Glad I did.

Doing this one without walking is a big deal. Did it, and really glad. my winter ballbreaking paid off!

...of course, there's a "Yang" to every "Ying." Rick Secor came in @ 1:10. Wow. Thank God he's a good guy. The other mitigating factor: other local races would'a been WAY easier, could'a broken 9, possible 8:30, but no, hadda go for the gusto. Would have it no other way!

Friday, March 18, 2011

day 600

(I feel like there should be foreworks)

Did the 1/2 expo, had a blast! Surprised actually. Went there with a seperate agenda, but instead, gave of myself for the 9 + 1, and made some friends/connected with former peeps. I'm, naturally, early, went to get a bite to eat. No prob there, this IS Manhattan. Found superhappychinese buffet, grazed, to the expo I went. Same nabe as The Highline. THAT threw me off. Initially I went BACK to The Highline, forgetting my destination was 3 avenues away. Got to the site, same as last year. Which volunteer am I replacing? David the Superjew! Hasn't changed a bit, STILL raggin' about "Q's" and whichever bone(s) he has to pick with the NYRR.

The peeps to the left and right quickly became buds. (I was in t-shirts). Then, to my surprise, Wittenberg and her hub came for his shirt! I was shocked, fake bowed, then asked why she didn't have her man's stuff picked up for her (Rank DOESN'T have privilege?)? Apparently not, SHE even said "I didn't get in," re: the lottery system. Couldn't help myself, hadda ask "did you send yourself an irate e mail?" She didn't laugh. I WAS impressed that they came to get their stuff just like the rest of us.

AND, they're getting REALLY tight on security. Not only must you now wear your bib, BUT, in addition, a wrist band like they put on you in hospitals/raves. Not only that, we were instructed to make people put them on then. In this manner, runner's wouldn't forget come sunday morning. As in: no wristband, no race. Staff will be pulling people off the course if they lack either a bib or wrist band. Wow. Beat me @ my own game. Hadda give 'em credit.

REALLY had a good experience. And, now, I'm clear for the next Big One. Did my vol hours.

This am, really should'a taken the day off with the big run manana, but it was really too beautiful a morning. JUUUUST cool enough for a t shirt (and gloves), and shorts. Back DID hurt after standing for so long yesterday, but great am for a run.

A little less pissed I didn't get into the half, when Wittenberg crapped out just like the rest of us, it made the pill a bit easier to swallow.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

day 599

getting excited!

St.Francis again this am, felt really good. Yesterday, with the rain, hadda do the ellip. Not to worry, didn't miss a beat. So, why excited? (I'm obviously VERY easily pleased) I feel like I've discovered uncharted territory; the new locker room @ the gym!!! (warned you didn't I?). Sooooo nice to get your miles in, then NOT have to worry about getting the ONE shower that works.

If you lived where I did you'd understand. Tough enough meeting the demands of the workday, running a facility, supporting the staff, appearing (if not actually) empathetic to staff as well as patients. THEN, you can't even getting a decent fucking shower? One of life's simple pleasures.

And yes, I picked the wrong day to volunteer @ NYRR. Whatthefuck was I thinking? You can tell I'm not Irish, nor could I give a shit.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

day 598


Best of times/worst of times

OK, so Sybil cashed in Its IRA, didn't tell me, had no $ deducted, screwed me by both not telling me AND not having taxes deducted. Obviously a desperate act, good, but, a low blow nontheless.

It gets better.

Stoney went to the gym, again. The Yin. He comes walking into the house wearing my clothes (the Yang)....let that sink in...because Shebitch was too fucking lazy to do laundry, and too financially irresponsible to buy him clothes.

Now, let THAT sink in...It received Social Security for just this purpose, yet, god knows where the money goes ($800 flatscreen???). I indicate to him how wrong this is, pointing to the 50 inch flatscreen as an example-i.e.: It can buy that yet can't buy the clothes you need? He responds "that was my christmas present." Now...let THAT sink in. An $800 christmas gift for a 15 year old, while his father gets dollar store leftovers? Really amazing stuff.

And me? I'm left paying taxes on Its income, AND paying for his gym membership, AND the Bitch can give away my belongings. I have no right to feel safe in my own home. Anything I have is fair game, anything I do is open to ridicule or subservience.

Amazing. Utterly amazing. A potentially great thing-his going to the gym, is overturned. Rather than thank me for doing the right thing, for supporting-not to mention PAYING for-a healthy pursuit, I'm fucked by having my belongings taken. (not even going to bring up the stealing of my credit card to pay the gas bill, then, the NEXT DAY buying the tv).

Think I make this shit up???

Be VERY happy when you go home, your belongings are where you left them.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

day 597

In the groove!!!

Back to back St.Francis. The foundation is def there. Feeling good. Starting to use this distance as my foundation (only took 2 years!!!).

The good part of all this is: it really keeps you sharp. On saturday, I went to the concert in the evening, hadda eat out. Whatthefuck does this have to do with staying sharp? Ate at a chinese buffet. It was interesting watching the diners overfilling their plates (you CAN have seconds, thirds.....) just being pigs. And yes, that WAS me. Now, I had one moderate plate and a second with sushi. Got me through the concert. Normally I'd have been exhausted to the point of cold sweats. Did ok.

The other moral of the story, you DO hit a plateau running, but gotta break through that facade of a wall. It took a loooong time, but finally comfortable. AND, my times had improved. I always knew I COULD do faster, but didn't really wanna. Last year was tough enough, keeping my spirits up and not eating a bullet. But, made it. Now, can focus on improving.

Toxichouse? Thank GOD I'm a rican. Only way to get info there is hunt through the refuse that is the basement. And, yes, this irks the PISS outta me. Why? When Sybil got outta the hospital, the house was PERFECT. Now, of course, everything's fallen to shit. But, I digress. What do I find, besides running stuff It decided to steal? Mail. Among the mail, an IRA statement. It closed Its IRA. Now...let that sink in. No taxes were deducted. So, who gets to pay the taxes? Right. Satan. AND, if I wasn't hunting through Shebitch's detritus, I wouldn't have known. Rather, the IRS would have nailed me for withholding info, red flagged my return, and audited me. Yet, It bought a 50 inch flatscreen. Amazing. Fucking amazing.

Monday, March 14, 2011

day 596


So, did well @ the race Saturday, did well @ yesterday's relays. GREAT fun @ the concert sat night, and THANK YOU GOD Stoney asked for a gym membership!

How to celebrate a killer weekend? St.Francis! YAY!!! 42 degs, shorts, sweatshirt, gloves. Yummmmm.

The world is once again a lovely place.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

day 595

life according to plan B

a day full of surprises.

Still riffin' off yesterday. REALLY loved hangin' on The Highline. Glad I left yesterday night when I did. the concert started @ 6:30, I left @ 10:15, they were STILL going strong (hadda get the 10:51 train), got MORE than my money's worth. Joe Hurley kicked ass, guests were WAY cool (Tish n' Snooky!!!), friends were great, the venue was killer! But, alas, turned back into a pumpkin.

Woke up later than usual, left Toxichouse @ 7. For me, half the day was over. i was still first in the parking lot @ Eisenhower. Our peeps were putting on 3 teams! YAY!!! Only 2 miles, so the fatigue from yesterday wasn't an issue. The cold WAS. Was about 45-50 degs, but COLD.

We did ok, not great, but nothing to be embarassed about. 2 of 3 teams placed.

Really nice.

But, wait, there's more!!!

Stoney wakes up @ the crack of 11, asks me to sign him up for a local gym. I was ELATED! When I asked why, his peeps went there. I would've prefereed Planet Fitness, 1/5 of the cost (this one's 50$ a month cash, I refuse to sign a contract. You know how teenagers are). But the bottom line, of his own accord, he's choosing to do a healthy thing. YAY! With teens, it's all about small victories.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

day 594

what a DAY!!!

Headed back to the scene of the crime-the Smithtown St.Patrick's 5k. THAT was Stoney's first race with me, he riding shotgun. Saw the usual suspects, shorts/long shirt/gloves=42 degs. Nice.

Didn't expect to do as well, came in @ 8:33!!! YAY!!!!!!! Things are improving, for now.

Polansky hadda make a point of saying he liked the beard growing out, said his woman wouldn't let him. I, of course, said I'd trade anyday.

Now, we ROCK!!! Off to Manhattan! (and yes, Stoney's still sleeping.).

Friday, March 11, 2011

day 593

Wrap it up!

HEAVY rains had been predicted for yesterday evening through noon today. Good. Needed the break. A normal person would've taken the day off, but we know me don't we? Off to the gym. Felt really good to give the knees a break, though rest would've been nice. can't bring myself to do it. And STILL, I gotta be the last man standing. You know you're addicted when you see 'em sign in for a machine, do their minutes of cardio, then leave...and I'm still there. Sure hope this pays off!

First Bank of Dad in effect, again. Told Stoney there's ALWAYS money, don't want him to miss out on hangin' with his peeps 'cause he feels he must do without. Of course, the next day he calls asking where the stash is. THEN this morning leaves a note asking for $ to hang with his peeps after school. Again, no prob. Told him he had a choice of an allowance or this system. Knowing Sybil won't ever step up. The bitch would actually put him through the uncomfortability of telling the lunch worker he ain't got $$$. Yet, always has Snapple or MORE fucking purchases. Amazing.

Manana, celebrating feeling good by going back to my roots: The Smithtown 5k. Really has fond memories, back when Keith was Keith, the Pre Stoney years.

Sunday: relays @ Eisenhower. THOSE remind me how outta the loop the Quantumfeetwellbrick peeps are. Really COULD join up with others, but no, rather be seperate and dead to the scene. Pity, they're missed. Their loss.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

day 592


Was mentally prepped for the gym, when I checked the weather online. Again, why people whine about meteorologists, I dunno. Weather peeps are actually usually right. The hourly forecast (until 8 am) had "cloudy." GREAT!!! When I got to the job, still dry. GREATER! Headed to the line, VERY light spritz, hither and yon. Made the St.Francis turn, spritzing. Feared the worst, but muttered to myself "passing shower," as though that could affect the outcome! It did the trick, actually got my miles in! St.Francis +, check.

Was so elated, actually got back to the job and signed up for the St.Pat's 5k on Sat. That's one of the few Stoney accompanied. A fond memory was his asking if we could take the beverages iced in the 55 gallon garbage cans. Cute lil' bastard!

Now, let it rain!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

day 591

on a roll here!

Actually got back to back good days! Both on The Line AND @ Toxichouse!

Yesterday eve, took advantage of some accumulated time, left @ 2:30, headed to Manhattan. Wanted to see what it was like running in Central Park without it being a race. Wow! The temps were perf-shorts and a sweatshirt-did a loop, 6+ miles. Surprised I could do that after work, but it was really a beautiful scene. Got back to Toxichouse, Shebitch is mopping the bathroom after, again, causing the toilet to overflow. Nice move. (what IS it like to come home to a supportive, clean environment? Haven't known that feeling in years, instead, entering the premesis with a feeling of dread. Really sucks).

THEN, this am, 34 degs!!! Holy CRAP! Had a wonderful run on The Line. SOOOOO nice to NOT have my hands cold to the point of pain. REALLY nice.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

day 590

(wow, been a long time ain't it?)

Nic(er) conditions this am. 32 degs, balled up my hands inside the gloves, sweats top and bottom, felt good. Didn't get my hands cold to the point of pain. Nice. NicER was getting my miles in :) . No rain, no snow, no ice, ahhhhhhh. REALLY glad I kept up my routine through the tough winter stretch. Haven't lost a step. It isn't that I'm any faster, aging happens. But, I'm not slower. Last year was, apparently, the year of "enjoy the run," this will be the year of "older and slower MY ASS!" At least try to do consistently.

Great motivation for getting outta the house early (besides living with Sybil).

Monday, March 7, 2011

day 589

deja vu

here we go again. Woke up, actually was feeling good, wanted to stay in and sleep, but got my quota, couldn't go back to sleep...so...up n' at 'em. Was spritzing when I split, by the time I got to Queens: rain. Worst: the news said it was cloudy. A very definite line exists between "cloudy" and rain. But, whatthehell-needed a break after racing.

Headed to the Y, did my time on the ellip. Felt good. Guy next to me: wanted to kill him. Was chewing tobacco, spitting it into a cup. Was spastic on the machine, kept sipping form a Diet Coke, while literally gyrating. Amazed he didn't hurt his spine.

Good part of the rain? Last vestige of snow def gone. I'll take it.

If I could, I'd have run after work, but that never works out.

Glad I had a great weekend. By the time I was chillaxing, Shebitch and Stoney were home-round 7 pm. Had the house to myself all afternoon! Prob was: they'd gone to celebrate the birthday of people who HAD been close to us both, no more. I'm satan because I didn't write a letter to the court for the male half of the couple-he'd been busted for dwi and was pleading for leniency. I can't do that. Put my license on the line for someone who SHOULD face the court's wrath? Would it have been different if he'd struck of killed someone? So, friendship is apparently conditional, if you don't write a letter for me I won't be your friend? Fuck 'em. It DOES hurt that I KNOW I'm the object of scorn, but I gotta do what's right. Apparently they were not genuine friends. Still...it hurts.

Funny, I was hangin' with my people, Shebitch with It's groupies. Like I said, had a really good weekend.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

day 588


Woke up, farted around on the pc, met Anita n' Travis on the LIRR. Away we went. Hook up with DP and brotherfromanothermother @ The Armory. Get on the A train, who gets on the SAME train in the SAME car right in front of us, Terry. Amazing. Like a stalker.

Made it there in plenty of time, Travis's first time there. As a track team member he termed the place "epic," caucasian male teen for "impressive." It really is. Even, now, the bathrooms-their only sore spot, were rehabbed. Quite the location. And, unlike yesterday's NOT runner friendly race, thios one-the location at least-was.

Only downside, (though it IS cool to so many participate) the fuckings kids! They DON'T get out of the way. Too many people crammed into too little space, i.e. people putting the brakes on a downhill???

So, why so happy, besides hangin' with the peeps, STILL broke 9 minutes. Came in @ 8:58. For a run like this it's impressive.

And yes, it rained, not like it is now-a downpour-but enough to leave you soaked.

Had a blast.

***Pic below.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

day 587


Signed up to do today's race, since manana's predicted to be a rain out, so, ran today to run well. THOUGHT I did ok-actually I did-but raised the bar too high on myself.

This race was hilly, hence the title "Little Cow Harbor." Was in Greenlawn, a.k.a. Western Huntington. Yep, HILLY. But fun, and for an Alley Ponder, no big thing. BUT, to expect to break 9 mins was hasty. Came in @ 9:01. DAMN!!!!! Was running, conversing with Joe D, if I'd run a race instead of jibber-jabber, I'd have broken 9.

Was actually happy with the conditions, cool, 45, shorts, tee shirt, gloves. BUT, the logistics of the race site were daunting. Park on the wrong side of the school, so getting inside was a 1/4 mile hike. Stupid really. Also, if I'd followed my instincts, getting there would'a been easier-it's HUNTINGTON for chrissakes! Instead, since officially it's called "Greenlawn," I used mapquest. Bonehead move.

The pasta dinner WAS fun, then seeing my peeps from the dinner @ the race was way cool. You humans got a good thing goin'. AND, it wasn't the usual shit pasta, made sense when you remembered an italian restaurant did it. AND, the lil schoolkids came up to each runner asking what kind of sauce-4 choices-we wanted. Individual plates were then served. La de da!

Friday, March 4, 2011

day 586

lil' break

Got up, intended to take the day off, but it was a whole 8 degrees warmer than yesterday, so......compromise, did 86th. Felt good, though miss the hills of AP, so, turned it into (my version of) a speed workout. One block "fast," one block "not so much." Ahhhhh, soooooo nice to be rid of the snow and all THAT crap.

THAT was the good news, the other news: Sunday it's supposed to RAIN. FUCK. Got the Coogan's run. If it's THAT bad, I'll just bail.

Manana, the 4m, tonight, the pasta dinner. Hey, it's part of the prereg package, nice. Hang with the peeps, eat. Can't beat that!.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

day 585


It be COLD!

Headed to The Line, praying the events of the other day didn't reappear. No such luck. The other day, my hands FUCKING FROZE. It was bad, very bad. Part of this was due to the temps, but mainly, to the fact that I hadn't run The Line (it'd been frozen) in days. Wasn't used to it. This am was a repeat performance. On the way to St.Francis I kept waiting for my hands to start hurting, no problem...yet. After the turn, all hell broke loose. Hands were like 2 frozen blocks. FUCK. As in: to the point of pain. Really sucked. BUT, got my miles in. YAY!!! @ one point hadda take a leak, was actually afraid of exposure. But did ok. Finished my run, took a few mins to get any feeling at all in my hands, let alone have them uncurl. Thank GOD for the sauna.

Enough of this winter horseshit!

***From the "It's good to be skinny" files; went to see Cedar Rapids yesterday evening (Stoney had asked for free reign of Toxichouse-had his peeps over), was early of course, went to Target to see whatever. Picked up 2 pairs of tights @ $4.99 each-one small/one medium. Nice.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

day 584


Two consecutive days of The Line and the world IS indeed a better place. Was nice to see the usual suspects, and one thrown in for good measure. The Kaboose was there, we laughed @ each other in passing, noting each getting their morning fix; the Korean dude who can barely speak english, but enough to say my name; the Indian trio, who never forget to move to one side to make room; cat lady, with her shopping cart of catfood.....SO nice to have my miles back!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

day 583


Actually put together a positive evening!

First, went to the St.Gabe's reunion meeting. REALLY felt like I got taken, it's more a fundraising excuse, but was WONDERFUL to reconnect with peeps from 35+ years ago. Yes kiddies, the more things changed, the more they stayed the same! What a cool group. (old fart alert) Really made me lust for the way things were. Then, people believed in more than themselves, a real sense of community. We got into a discussion of the 80th st, 90th, and corona crowds; the pre Astoria blvd, post Astoria blvd.....it was really a sense of belonging. THIS is-part of-what is lacking today. Now it's everyone for themselves. Further proof, I first met Brother Ed in the parking lot, he used to be Mr.Ed Shields. Now HE'S one of the few who took a vow and kept it. 9/10 of the Christian Brothers we had are now lay people. So much for a vow.

However, what could not be denied was the sense that though we lived seperate and distinct lives, we were all St.Gabe's. Nice.

Actually missed a new episode of House for this meeting, and actually didn't regret it.

Shebitch? Must've taken Its meds. Was actually in a good mood (wtf???).

This am, my Line. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Good to be home.