
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

day 462

THAT was scary!

Parked in nyc for the Poland Spring race, everything looked good until.....until...looked up, SHIT, "No Standing" sign on construction scaffolding. Ended up moving 30 mins before the race, paid $33 for parking + $20 for van. DAYUM!!! But, cheaper than a ticket!

Did surprisingly well. Beat my benchmark: Pesa. She usually, deservedly, creams me. Her excuse: elliped Friday. My excuse? Ran both Fri AND Saturday. Apparently, THAT'S the secret to running races well...what's that word...REST??? BUT, that's for they that don't run to stay skinny. Amazed she had my usual time, I came in 15 seconds or so faster than usual. And THAT'S with 3 15 second walk breaks-I had nothing. Nor did I have any pressure. Was a lil' down-found yet more of my stuff buried with Its in the basement. Not cool @ all. REALLY must be nice to have support. I wouldn't know.

After the run, since I knew I was getting raped for parking, stuck around. Stoney had his peeps over, so he wanted the place to himself (sucks, I wanted to take him to see Saw 3d). Went to se Waiting for the Rileys. Wow. James Gandolfini as never before seen. He really CAN act.

Brought a tear to my eye to see the stands for the marathon. Catchy slogan too: "New York: Where the world comes to run." It'll look good on the poster Shebitch will inevitably rip off the fridge.

Missed Tom, he was stuck @ work. Ran into Jose (a volunteer) and Laughlin. This race was @ Mineral Springs-where they did the Runners World photo shoot I was part of. Really brought back memories. Also ran into Randy. it was cool-the NYRR peeps wore Lebow-esque beards, he added a boa...get it: Fred LeBoa. Cute. Had me cracking up.

Still, feels tremendously lonely. When you see how some peeps have support and I get crapped on. It is what it is. Makes that medal more noteworthy.

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