
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, October 22, 2010

day 453

nice way to wrap it up

Had an interesting interview yesterday. Boss was @ hq, so I got an interview dumped into my lap. Turns out, it was ok. Guy from Liverpool is touring the US, getting data to set up treatment services there. Surprisingly, they're 40 years behind us. I'm shocked. No license, no tobacco free, they still believe if you take methadone you're not abstinent. Wow. Shows us how far we've come. Also, felt good to take stock of the services we offer, and the location in which we function. When I spoke of our largest facilities, compared to our size, he understood. No coincidence we got along, turns out besides being in recovery...he's a runner! (doesn't run anymore, but in my opinion, once a runner.....). AND, he's staying @ the Flushing Y. Wow. I couldn't resist, sharing with him that's where I learned to swim. Wow.

St.Francis+ this am, 10+ total. Tomorrow, event on Riverside and 135, tandem bike/run/walk for the blind. God help me, wanting to see blind people riding bikes, but couldn't resist. Haven't decided whether riding or running.

In that same vein of oddness, when I got back yesterday, Its former vehicle was sitting in front of the neighbor's house. Was odd to see it actually...what's the word...CLEAN??? It didn't look like a homeless guy emptied his (and everyone else's) shopping carts' contents into the back/front seats. Pathetic.

.....she was a winner...that became the doggie's dinner...she never meant that much to me, whoa-oh oh oh, poor Marie.

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