
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

day 438

Happy Birthday!!!

Actually had a very nice day!

Started with a run, St.Francis, then off to work, lots of FB posts from peeps (thanks guys!!!), dinner that evening (coworker retired), then off to Roger Waters...again (he's amazing). THEN, home. It actually behaved, Stoney presented me with an angel food strawberry shortcake (HIS fave, and why not?), Shebitch actually behaved.

A good day.

This am, St.Francis + Kissena. 10+.

Looking @ Lisa and Deb, again teaches me to stick to The Plan. They run their races all out. That's a very good thing. THAT'S why they collect hardware, again, a VERY good thing. I don't. I ALWAYS have run (even marathons, I remember doing Suntrust, then running the next morning-just to see if I could) leaving something in The Tank. Always left a little bit to spare-knowing I planned to run the next day. HATE taking days off. Why? My peeps, again using Lisa and Deb as examples, have...what's that word..."homes." Me, I have "Toxichouse." They have places they enjoy spending quality time in. I have an environment I try to avoid, except to spend needed time with Stoney.

Would I LIKE to get hardware, HELL YES! But, proved I could already. There was a run by LIRRC in Eisenhower. Vince was there. Wanted to see if I could beat him. I did, with a sub 8. Did the skies open up? No. Was I any happier? No. Proved I could turn it on if I wanted to. Big whoop. Another benchmark was last year's Get to the Point. I was 200m from the finish line when I doubled back to finish the run with Gillian. Thought it'd be fun to finish together. It was, alot.

Can't imagine not running. It's way beyond therapy, it's centering.

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