
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

day 452

Another good one!

Sweatshirt/shorts weather, 50 degs. Actually BRIEFLY contemplated t shirt, but no. Better sweat than chill. Turned out purrrrfect. St.Francis+, total 10 +. WAS thinking of packing powergels and starting to boost miles, but if 6.5-10 isn't enough, I need a life.

REALLY enjoying the peace n' quiet on the job. Boss is in Albany, so the kiddies have less posing, the unit is run my way, which means people do their jobs, no one's enabled, and no whining is tolerated. THAT'S the good news. The bad news: wouldn't it be nice to have this @ home? It is what it is.

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