
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, October 25, 2010

day 456


Ok, Shebitch out for the weekend, all day, both Sat and Sun. Good. Bad: Stoney was totally my charge. Now don't misunderstand, any second spent with him is a gift, what sucks is: it's then my responsibility to provide food. Yes, this is a problem. Remember, It receives a monthly check for this specific purpose. This weekend was particularly expensive: he asked for $20 to hit the movies with his peeps (never happened), then $10 to hang with his peeps, then I ended taking him for dinner n' a flick-en route, to Best Buy for headphones. My $100 boy. He deserves all that and more. The point is: First Bank of Dad is getting incensed @ Shebitch for not doing a damned thing. Nothing. Out ALL weekend. But, what price peace and quiet? @ least I was able to come home, rather than avoid Toxichouse.

My end of all this: had a blast with him, hit Dylan's Candy Bar before the flick, got all sugared up, then eat, then the flick. YAY!!! BUT, remember kiddies, IT receives free $$$, yet does NOTHING. This is wrong.

St.Francis + this am, hadda make up for the short weekend. Did well @ the Autism run, especially THAT course-quite a challenge, but The Line is great training.

And, again, no House tonight. FUCK!!!

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