
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

day 433

sucked, but not so much

did Grete's Gallop, the 1/2. The backstory: last night Shebitch decides to put away laundry @ 10:45, awakening me. Must be nice to get a full night's sleep.

Was on the fence re: drive or train, but, took the 4:05. THAT was the easy part. Unfortunately, got into Manhattan WAY too early...so..thought "what would a normal person do?" Went to breakfast. Knowing the run was almost 5 hours away (it was 5 am) and knowing I hadn't carbed, ordered a cheese omelet (toast n' home fries of course). Nice lil' coffee shop, unfortunately, there IS one in every crowd: one of the guests whined about his hash browns being burned and wouldn't pay the full check. Now, think: why didn't he send them back? EVERY patron called him an asshole. Must've been a plant. Why? I overtipped, as I'm sure everyone else did. Now, again, this coffee shop was on the wrong side of town. For some reason, i can NEVER get this East side/West side shit together. So, hadda walk through the park. Usually no biggie, but, for the calorically challenged.....Good thing I had b'fast.

Hooked up with DP, she was similarly early-her run started 45 mins before mine. Hooked up with Brotherfromanothermother. He came in @ 2:04, surprised, he usually smoked me. Sue REALLY fucked up, she came in 20 mins AFTER I did. Wow. I did my usual, sucked, but not so much, 2:15. Few 30 second walk breaks, had NO energy. Imagine how I would'a done if I hadn't taken a day off nor had breakfast?

In the back of my mind, I knew I had a 5k manana, so held a lil back.

Still, remember when Pret would make this one a regular part of the circuit. Pity some take themselves outta the fun. They are missed.

BEAUTIFUL day. So nice, when I got back to Toxichouse, I hadda do the lawn. After the ehavy rains, it needed it. Also, I feel doing that enabled me to atone for my sins (crappy time).

Hey, a half is a half. A mile is a mile.

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