
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, September 27, 2010

day 428

older and slower

ok, so I didn't REALLY try yesterday, but...last year I was 12 seconds faster. SHIT. Alas, when I started running, speed was never an issue. With my knees, it can't ever be an issue. Always say: "at least I didn't walk." Knowing you can't break 8 minutes sucks, but then again, that's why God made marathons!!! The good news: everyone in the club did VERY well. Props to all.

Rain this am, enough to fuck everything up!!! Actually got to the job, ready to roll the dice and head out...and...and...fucking skies opened up. SHIT! Off to Boot Camp as an alternative. Mercy on the knees.

***Calls to mind: love when runners claim they can't run. Then, are you really a runner or a pussy??? There ARE other activities to be pursued, i.e. crosstraining, spin, elliptical, cycling, walking. No guts no air medal. To that effect, Boot Camp this am. Didn't wanna, but if you don't do SOMETHING, you lose it. Worked too hard to get this far. Was nice to get back. No one there from months ago when I was a regular, other than the instructor. This is a good thing, the circle of life. Peeps come, peeps go.

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