
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, September 6, 2010

day 407

it is finished!!!!!

That's it, done, turn the page, stick a fork in it. Summer's a wrap.

Did the Long Beach 5m, felt good. Tired, but good. REALLY should'a taken today off, but no, gotta do it, sort'a a seasonal rite of passage. BEAUTIFUL morning, cooler than yesterday (short on), nice crowd, saw the usual suspects. Did ok, didn't havta walk any of it-always good. Apparently it DOES take time for progress to set in. Though speed is not in my vocabulary, distance/eudirance apparently is. Not many could do the miles I did this weekend and still be upright. It's fun, keeps my in shape. Awfully nice/freeing to know I won't win. I can actually enjoy the course.

Stoney has his peeps over, living room looks like human wreckage. Just imagine "the hangover, the teen years," peeps sleeping on the floor, on the couch......REALLY looks funny. Says something about his personality. Though our casa lacks the creature comofrts of others, i.e. a working toilet, a couch that actually has all 4 legs, his peeps still make the scene. He has his father's leadership skills.

On the way back, listening to the news, economic report, people concerned over the last year their bosses didn't recognize theior efforts. Got fucking paid didn't ya???? Whiny assholes.

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