
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

day 406

almost @ the finish!!!

Did the 1m yesterday, the 14.2 today. God bless Curtis.

Morning started weird. Was s'posed to hookup with brotherfromanothermother @ AP, he called, said he made a wrong turn, that we should meet @ the run. Ok. I get a lil worried, dunno how to get to Battery Park, but, how hard can it be: drive downtown 'til you hit water. I'm on the GCP, about a mile from AP, somebody is swerving lanes, it's him on the cell phone. We called each other, we drove to Queens Plaza, jumped in my veeeehicle, off we went. God some serious bro time, headed to the start. Only one LI peep, Warren from Massapequa. Odd that. usually GLIRC's there in force. Today, no Polansky, no nuttin'. Big Bird II (Michael the Dentist) was there.

Did the run, felt good actually. Got to mile 10 before I realized I'd done only one power gel. SEE??? No splits, no clocks=no worries. Felt good.

LOVE this run. Second only to The Marathon. Memories of years past. The best: doing it with Lisa and brotherfromanothermother, he-showing up sans powergels, she-waiting for me @ the water stops. Good times.

REALLY cool swag: medal, coffee cup, GREAT shirt (grey, my fave!!!) and this year a gym bag. Bless you Curtis. Even if they didn't give shit, I'd do it.

(approx) Miles 1-3, lost the jacket (throwaway windbreaker), mile 5 lost the shirt. I was joking that by mile 7, lose the shorts!!!

Michelle "orange shorts" was there. Bless her. Didn't think she was that old-she'll have 35 years in her bid'ness. Wow. She's STILL hot. Not Pret hot, but hot nontheless.

Hooked up with brotherfromanothermother @ the end, he gave me a bottle of powerzero, chugged the quart in 5 seconds while waiting to collect swag.

While on line, Sal told me about a cool race 9-18 (I was actually ahead of him, wow), and a guy I ran into @ Curtis's Flushing Meadows run was there. True to his word, he did the run as he said he would.

Manana, the official end of summer: Long Beach "whythefuckamIrunninga5mraceafterrunningtheENTIREislandofManhattanyesterday?" run.

Summer highlight: The Prospect Park run in the am, Sonic Youth concert in the pm day.

Summerlowlight: Shebitch lives.

Helluva summer. Lots of great memories for the books.

Got home, "home" rather than "Tixichouse," as Shebitch was nowhere to be found. Stoney, still sleeping. Was a lil' pissed: he hit First Bank of Dad for $10 to hit the mall with his peeps. Now, you and I know $10 is nothing, but it's the principle.

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