
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

day 408

and you wonder why?????

Still using those "use it or lose it" days, so this week's REALLY oppressive-work tomorrow and thurs, off today and fri.

Now...you'll note the time (8:17 am). Stoney's first day of school. So far so good. St.Francis this am, again, should'a taken today off, but felt good, and building a nice-slow but nice-long run base.

Since Stoney's @ school, figured, tired of hiding from the place for which I pay a mortgage, came home...It has the balls to break MY balls about "making noise." Now, bear in mind, It thinks nothing of coming home from doing laundry @ 11:30pm. Remember here, down is up, up is down, day is night... Amazing. I reminded It: it's DAYTIME, the REST of the world functions this way.

Thank GOD school started.

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