
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

court order???

It's mid rage AGAIN.

School started, any "back to school shopping" for Stoney, nope.

No food in the fridge.

$600 owed on the gas bill.

...hmmmm...wonder where the rage comes from.

I'm hangin' in my backyard, enjoying the sun and a lovely breeze, It comes home demanding money...give $$$ for food, etc...I, again, explain I haven't gotten a raise in years, that I pay the mortgage etc...It responds as though I glorified my actions. I respond, "I made a statement. If you make it out to be more than that, you are where the issues lie."

It, of course, counters, I should move out.....again kiddies, WHO pays the mortgage? I ain't goin' nowhere.

It's threatening a court order to force me to pay the gas bill. Go ahead. See how far THAT gets, before I reveal fraud-working while receiving disability.

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