
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, June 1, 2009

back to bidness

St.Francis this am, back to it. GREAT to be there. Got the miles in on a crisp, clear morning. Felt really good.

Film crew setting up pre dawn-the Angelina Jolie flick is in town, directly across from The Parkhouse/in front of Creedmoor.

STILL pissed I didn't get to play yesterday, but gotta be a parent. The bbq was a blast, but Keith kept looking @ the time. Didn't wanna subject him to boredom, he had his fill of the peeps. Would'a been fun all of us singing/trying to. Another time.

THIS is the kinda crap that pisses me off. Remember yesterday? Keith had no idea where It went? Turns out It left for the beach, left Keith alone all day. Thank G I took him to the movies Fri and the bbq yesterday. I would've LOVED to have hung with the peeps, the party was just getting started when we split ('round 7:20). These are the things he'll never appreciate until he becomes a parent. For this It will roast in hell.

Hadda boogie asap home this pm, it's THAT time: the lawn was getting "dogshit high," i.e. tall enough that you can't see dogpoop. With all the rain last week, hadda do it today-showers predicted for manana thry Thursday-and you KNOW they'll erupt juuuuuust as I take the mower out.

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