
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, June 14, 2009


did the Bill Benson 1m Birthday run. REALLY nice. I can't even imagine anyone doing such a thing for me, but the GLIRC people were uber cool. Rob, Tom, Helen and I represented.

Now you gotta imagine: about a hundred people wearing identical shirts, led by the lead bike, with Bill in front. Wow. THIS is what it's all about.

Helped Polansky set up, beautiful setting-used to hang with Debbie there. And best of all-everyone wore #90 bibs!!! REALLY cool.

This is especially notable in view of the morning: rain, then cleared. Got my St.Francis in though-thank G.

Now this week" Bethpage. YAY!!!! Run in the am, golf for the rest of the day. Throw in some meaningless sex and it would be perfect.

Wed, the concert. Can't wait. THIS will be a fun week, rain or shine.

***GREAT food this eve: six foot heroes by the mile, all sorts. Yummmmm.

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