
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

deja vu all over again???

catchy title n'est pas? So nice, hadda use it twice.


St.Francis esta manana, again, feeling good, leg hurts, knee hurts, ankle hurts, but overall-good.

So, wassup with the deja vu?

Shebitch went to oncologist. Guess what? It's back. Now we have to plan a course of treatments.


So, how am I supposed to feel about this? It made it's bed, didn't do anything to avoid relapse, and here we are again. Exacerbated by lengthy bouts of exposure to the sun, not taaking care of the physical (exercise etc...when Lance lost a ball, what'd HE do? Won the Tour De France), AND continued using hair coloring (proven to have a link to Lymphoma. Hope being blonde and tanned was worth it.

Surgery will be inevitable, and then? Dunno, hence, the discussion of options. All I know is: last time we went through this, I played attentive spouse, and was threatened with court thereafter-castigated by the people I thought were our friends, and shunned even by my family. Guess I'm fucked. Again.

***save your sympathy. Remember, this is the creature that screams at It's son asking if he's stupid. That regularly feeds him mashed potatoes and chocolate milk. That shows It's gratitude for 12 months of nursing back to health, by threatening court and belittling in unimaginable ways in front of my son. Save it. Worry about the survivors. We truly are fucked, again.

This sucks.

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