
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

3 for 3

did the NHP 8k, a.k.a. "almost 5m." HOT as a motherfucker. But glad I did it. Rob Shapiro, Eric, and I repped the green. Others were @ the Riverside Ramble, still others recovering from yesterday's Wounded Warrior, the rest @ the Mini 10k. Wow. We had lots of bases covered. The weather was oppressively hot, I was glad as some of the people who take pride in beating me (!?) were slower than my pace. Hee hee. I'm not fast, but I am strong and consistent enough to maintain the same pace-within a second or so-for an entire marathon.

Pathetic showing @ NHP re: clubs. Just them-of course-as volunteers, us, and one or two from GLIRC. No blue people at all. Pathetic. And people are expected to show for 6-14? I was even asked why their run wasn't mentioned in our newsletter. You gotta be kidding.

Saw Pret @ The Parkhouse, kept running, passed me and the truck. Odd. Could'a done the NHP. I give up trying to make sense of anything. All I know: I did well, our club got props, as well we should.

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