
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, August 31, 2008


ok, THIS was the running day to end all running days.

Woke up, got outta bed, no hair to drag a comb across my head, so off to the Manhattan Run. Was supposed to meet Tom @ the Parkhouse @ 4:30, by 4:35, wasn't there, I boogied. We hooked up via phone, hook up @ the start.

Saw Rob, Debbie, Darlene (didn't know she'd be there) and Tom. NICE Strider showing. Of course nearly everyone finished WAY ahead of me, but it wasn't a race-repeat after me-but a training run/a.k.a. "The Best Way to Start Your Day." Felt good, a week after a marathon, 14.2 is manageable. Saw Dentist Big Bird as well. Helen popped up on her bike @ mile 10. Nice job all around. Happy with my time. Again, I say this often, props to Curtis. A true gentleman. People should do this run, make it a priority.

Then, met a peep, hung out for a few hours, off to the Nike Human 10k.

WOW!!! Hell of a run, but don't let's get ahead of ourselves. Having worked on Ward's Island/breaking my Civil Service Cherry there, noted quite a change. They're making the place a wildlife sanctuary (bit of a redundancy as there's a homeless shelter there, but don't be as cynical as I). The run actually started late, a first (in my time) for the NYRR. They were (appropriately) waiting for ferries to unload with more runners. Was supposed to start @ 6, more like 6:20, but they kept us entertained. Nate Robinson from the Knicks was there (high fived him twice, once @ the start, once @ the end. Noteable because he actually hung around-cool. Short guy, about an inch shorter than me). And the runner who carried the flag @ the Olympics. Nice.

Run started, 2 loops, 5k each. Too many walkers in front-downside of no corrals. The Naked Cowboy was there entertaining us @ 2 1/2m mark. Even He hung around 'til the end. Cool.

Then, the concert. WOW. Great band, a sea of runners, all cloned/wearing the same shirts. Nice. Missed Tom @ the concert, but with 10,000 +, easy to miss anyone.

Nike really deserves props. They could take their profits n' boogie, but no. Put on one HELL of a run. (and, I finished in under an hour-not bad after this morning).

What a freakin' day.

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