
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good thinking

wanted to run with the club, but, as usual, swimming upstream (notice, didn't say who was doing what). Got to the park early, but couldn't wait for them. It was too damned humid. So, went out early, glad I did. Did my St.Francis bet 6:15 n' 7:30 ish. WHEW! Ran by Tom as he was starting, ran into the peeps after.

Good thing I did. Tom can't make it to the game tonight, pity. He's never been to see 'em play, much less @ that stadium-uber fan-friendly. Anyplace that doesn't charge parking is alright with me-shouldn't the ticket price be enough? Looking forward to seeing the peeps NOT in running clothes. One hitch: passing thunderstorms. Figures. NOTHING is easy.

Which brings us to our next point: G is always there, always watching. Ran into Helen, discussing Quebec, she invited me to go with them. Should be a RIOT!!! The only problem: keeping up with Rob's sense of humor. Between him and Gillian, rapier wit will be the course du jour.

Really looking forward to this.

For tonight, Spike n' I ride!!! Pray the rain holds out.

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