
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

countdown is on

on the trip back Rob n' I were wondering whether or not to do the LIRRC 5k, it was the last of summer, so, hmmmmmm. Toxichouse was in full effect, Shebitch screaming "it was soo much quieter when you were out," to which I responded "when you were out as well-and cleaner." It'd promised to take Spike's computer (infected) to be fixed, of course, knowing jackshit about computers, It got nervous (what's to get nervous about, take it to the fucking store, tell 'em to fix it). Quite the useless bitch. Rather than own the nervousness/ignorance, scream at me (this, after spending all day tanning). Tried dumping it in my lap, even Keith said "Mommy, you said..." Hee hee. So, of course, off to Eisenhower. Good thing too, knees felt good. Probably should'a taken more time off, but hey, it's only a 5k, and with my pace, no biggie.

Much to my surprise, Rob showed as well! Nice to hear "Allez, allez!" one last time. (but, does it count as an event if Helen's not there taking picture after picture, kind'a like a tree falling in the woods...?)

Nice turn out too, the Adidas monster truck was there.

Now, prep for the weekend. Tom n' I going into the wickedmeanevilcity manana to get his number @ Niketown. I'll jump the gun n' go today.

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