
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


getting there, progress.

Had the big fall yesterday, didn't sleep well, awoke to enflamed elbow. Did I go to the doc? Of course not, toughed it out, went out n' did St.Francis. BEAUTIFUL morning. Crisp, cool, NICE. Of course, after I couldn't straighten my arm, but that's not that important. Log them miles. Of course, I'm inwardly scared the doc'll drain it, and it'll affect Quebec. I can live like this for a couple of weeks. Worst case scenario-it was in fact broken and had to be REbroken to set properly. But...at least I can run.

THEN, to top it off, as if being able to run wasn't gold enough, got home, missed a call on the cell. From whom? Remember the fender bender in Long Beach? It was THAT guy calling to follow up-as in "you never told me the amound or where to send the check." Can you BELIEVE there's a kindred spirit out there????? Nice. Thanks G.

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