
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Again, St.Francis. What is boring to one is forming a solid base for another/tomato-tomaaaahto, one man's ceiling is another man's floor.

For some reason it doesn't get boring. Especially with an elbow the size of a grapefruit-gotta have it looked at. Can't straighten the arm. But, got the miles logged in!!!

Another terrific morning, though you can FEEL the humidididity coming back. Radio on the way in said widely varied temps-50's in some areas, 65 @ LaGuardia. No shirt weather.

This says alot for hammering away even though you THINK you hit the wall. For too long I thought I'd plateaud, but keeping in mind what the pros say, kept at it. Sure enough, after what seemed like an eternity, breakthrough. Feel MUCH better. Less knee pain, while using the Asics as my daily shoe-less support, lighter shoe.

Tomorrow am, St.Francis again, then off to HIP to have this appendage examined. Figure after 4 days it hasn't improved.........

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