
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Duty Free Hors (say it phonetically)

ok kiddies. Hold on tight, this is gonna be interesting. Gonna try to make up for lost time.

Alley Pond`s Roadtrip:

Day one (Friday): we (the committee inside my head) gets to Helen`s @ 5:15. She, bless her heart, volunteered to meet me @ The Parkhouse, but as I was naturally early, I went to casa Pineda. Gillian shows @ 6-she`s normal, n`awaaaaay we go. Helen driving, Rob shotgun, Gillian and I in the backseat. Quite comfortable actually, Helen`s Camry. Bless those japs.

We drive to Ausable Chasm, one stop along the way. Pisser of a time in the veeeeehicle. Between Rob, Gillian and myself, it was a battle of razor wit-with Helen providing the heart of the foursome. Good time, about 5 hours. Ausable Chasm was AMAZING. Julie, our cruise director, oops, Helen, took about 5,000 pictures, packed foot long heroes, AND coordinated all the road trip details. Kudos. The chasm was nothing short of amazing. Lots of walking but amazing. Knew I`d pay the price later on (like...in the marathon), but the point of this was the roadtrip, not necessarily a killer time in the run. The site itself is truly awe-inspiring, makes you really realize your place in the universe.

Day two (Saturday): On to Montreal. Was a tad worried re: customs-the car peeps had passports, but alas, much ado.....my drivers license and birth certificate were acceptale. Of course, now they might not let me leave the country, hey wait, that`s not a bad thing. The hotel in Montreal was the result of Rob doing an Expedia thing. Worked out really well-The Sandman, hell of a name for a hotel. Great rooms. Following a shower, dinner(escargots then pizza), then off to sleep, Rob and I in one room, the ladies in the other. Did the breakfast buffet thing (stroke sandwiches-bagels with creamcheese-one with bacon, the other sausage, boost them fats!!!). Then, off to Quebec!

Get to the hotel too early-we hit town @ 12, rooms not ready til 2. No prob, to the expo!!! Ran into Hector and Carmen, they said it wasn`t much-we New Yorkers are a spoiled lot aren`t we. STILL managed to buy way too much shit-hey, a deal is a deal. Gillian was especially cute-she hasn`t been to a marathon expo and was tickled to get a shirt at a good price. Nice to see people who aren`t totally jaded. Following the expo, back to the hotel, shower, dinner. NICE hotel. Not as fancy as the host hotel, but REALLY quaint-also, closer to the start and finish-told you, Helen=Julie the cruise director. She + Rob could be tour directors.

We all collected @ the pasta dinner. The College Point peeps-6 in total, plus the AP peeps-6 also. The CP peeps came because we`d organized the trip-of course I strongly suggested they fold and join us. Hadda. The dinner was actually very good-decent pasta, actually hot, amazing dessert-I had 4, and great company The time really flew. As we spoke I suggested San Juan for next year`s trip. Some spoke of Costa Rica. I THINK San Juan may be more cost effective.

So...where does Duty free Hors come from you ask, let`s just say you hadda be there, we had a blast!

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