
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, August 1, 2008

what the hell was I thinking???

rarely do I give in to peer pressure, usually I'm pretty sure of myself, but...

there's only so much of "you should..." before you react. So there's the backstory, now to fill in the blanks.

Been doing all I can not to kill the bitch, and to be a presence for Keith. He has a shit report card, I have him sign a contract. You KNEW this wouldn't be good.

Since, EVERY night has been HELL. Trying to get him to bed @ a reasonable hour has been a nightly dose of pain. Yet, gotta keep on keepin' on.

Last night was no different. He fights it every step of the way, finally Shebitch's behind him screaming that he should be allowed to stay up later-despite his having agreed to midnight, despite Shebitch going to sleep as he's still on the computer-remember the 3am + nights???? Be really nice if Shebitch-having done NO parenting whatsoever, supported my efforts. But I'm an optimist.

Further proof: they that suggest "you should..." haven't a clue.

Oh, and he STILL doesn't have his birthday gift from Shebitch. Going on 2+ weeks after 7-13.

So, obviously did St.Francis. Felt inspired? Why? No, not the events @ Toxichouse, THAT'S the daily crap. Last night some of us went to see Ultramarathon Man, GREAT flick-not as good as Spirit of the Marathon, but close. THIS one was personal-I'd met him @ a few runs I'd done when It initially lost it, a.k.a. Marathons+ year. REALLY regular guy.

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