
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

This just in

What slays me:

It accuses me of thinking I'm owed something because I pay the bills. I NEVER said anything, merely presented a fact.

Yesterday It went OFF when I asked if It could converse calmly, It did-for one sentence, then went off AGAIN. Literally less than an inch from my face, spitting. THIS is how Jeeeeeeeeezus would behave?

And after this I'm supposed to sign off on ANYTHING?


Meanwhile, my son thinks I'm Satan. The guy who went to work for 24 years without a sick day, who assured all needs would be attended to. Which, of course, they were. THAT gets translated into "for the past 5 years you haven't given your son a cent." To which I replied "tell me when to cancel cable, you can do whatever you want with the $$$ from that."

But I'm supposed to buy a fridge, a couch, etc.....when I'm banned from using them? (as if it has the right to dictate that?)

Remember preCancer? It was normal. THAT was the person I'd marry again in a heartbeat.

Live, laugh, love!!!!!

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