
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 2194

Hate to say "I told you so..."

Scroll back, a loooong time. Remember the posts re: It bought a SHITLOAD of Christmas gifts for Its peeps? So much so that there was a PILE (where the PILE of crap currently resides) in front of Its closet? Remember how I called a spade a spade re: all this $$$ spent for peeps, yet how much for Its spouse? And where is that $$$ now???? Got debt?????? Remember all that $$$ pissed away. As I went to work, daily, then came home and slept. Motherfucker ain't I? Not ONCE has It EVER lived on a budget. Now, deep, deep debt. Hmmmmmm.

Had a GREAT day. Ran, chilled, hit my meeting. Shared about the drama, slept like a baby.


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