
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 2203


Re: the person who gave a speech praising Its memory as a ray of sunshine/optimist. Newsflash: "rays of sunshine" "optimists" don't kill themselves, leaving their husband to clean up the mess. Really, the ultimate narcissistic act. "Sober" people don't do the ultimate escape, after hoarding pills to overdose.

The funeral isn't about YOU! When I initially refused her request to give a talk, it responded "but I worked....." So, you're why we're here? People really, REALLY need to check themselves.

More fun facts: they use Stoney. Since they know how I'll respond, they twist him to their way of thinking-rather than leave it to he and I to work out. I can't WAIT 'til this day ends, he and I will have each other (though his girl has been wonderful-as have his peeps).

Its ashes, gave them to Stoney, who I'm sure gave them to........whatever.

Newsflash: It's STILL dead! The person we know and loved hasn't existed since it was diagnosed with cancer. From then on, It became a permanent victim, living off the mercy and ignorance of Its collected groupies. Frightening.

So much easier to blame me isn't it?

FYI, who IS still assuring Stoney's needs are met, rather than taking care of my own?

Gotta love all the religious crap littering the house, all the 12 step shit now laying as debris. Is this the example Its sponsees should follow?

Wonder what they'll do after today? Interfere in ANOTHER'S life?

You really CAN fool some of the people all of the time.

MY peeps made the difference. As more than one indicated, "your make believe friends had to show themselves." Nice.

Never, ever, would I take it upon myself to interfere in a funeral as these assholes have. Each and every one of them will have to answer to God. My conscience is clear as hell, I do the right thing-though difficult.

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