
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Day 2192

Insanity is?

Sybil cannot internalize that Its calls are blocked.

Not once has It EVER called to say anything kind, always venom/mental illness. The good news: Pedrito concurs. Bitch always has an agenda, thus, calls blocked. My peeps e mailed me telling me the times It attempted. Please, spare me the drama.

Illness: "You kept my son from seeing me when I was in the hospital."
Reality: I took him at least 3 x weekly, each time we went to Sizzler. Ask him, he'll remember, unless his mind is THAT poisoned.

Illness: "You cut the house phones to keep my son from contacting me."
Reality: Those to whom monies were owed were calling so often, those were the ONLY calls we got. With Sybil in the hospital, I didn't need any more bad news (my hand were sort of full).
Further Reality: While It was in the hospital, I took care of the bills.

Illness: "My friends say..."
Reality: Your friends get Mental Illness' side of the story, not reality. In addition, when they pay the bills they get a say. Otherwise, SHUTTHEFUCKUP. Do I meddle in their private lives?\
Further reality: I have no right to privacy?

Illness: "You should die a slow painful death."
Reality: THIS is how a religion teacher addresses her husband? GREAT example.

Truth is: the person I married is a lovely, wonderful, caring human. Unfortunately, this person  hasn't been seen for quite some time. My love for her endures, in the hope she returns.

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